Step up your game: Why arch support for runners enhances comfort & performance

Running can be a fun and effective way to improve your cardiovascular health and boost those feel-good endorphins

The right footwear can help you make the most of your workouts and ensure they're pain and injury-free. Running shoes with arch support can help promote foot health and align your body to prevent common injuries, so you can keep pounding the pavement for miles to come.

Understanding the role of insoles

Your running shoes can be enhanced with the appropriate insoles. Shoe insoles are placed inside the shoe to provide extra arch support and cushion. Insoles are a crucial component of footwear, as they help prevent overpronation. This condition occurs when the arches of the feet flatten over time. As a result, this places a strain on the muscles and tendons that support the arches, increasing the risk of feet and leg injuries as well as pain and discomfort.

Overpronation is also linked to other common foot issues, including bunions, achilles tendinitis, shin splints, knee, hip, and back pain, and even iliotibial band syndrome. Since insoles are designed to support the arches, they help prevent overpronation by cushioning the arches with every step.

The importance of arch support for runners

The arch of the foot is composed of tendons, ligaments, and bones. Technically, the foot has three arches: a lateral longitudinal arch, on the outer back of the sole; a medial longitudinal arch, on the inner middle of the sole; and the anterior transverse arch, toward the mid-front of the sole.

Together, the arches help to evenly distribute weight and absorb shock. Shock absorption is especially important for running. The arch acts as a sort of springboard, allowing the middle of the foot to spread and close, while also propelling you forward with each step.

The benefits of wearing the right insoles for runners

Proper arch support running shoes can improve shock absorption and weight distribution, while also enhancing stability. Benefits for runners include:

  • Improved performance: The added stability of arch support helps prevent issues like overpronation (when your feet roll inward with each step) or underpronation (when feet roll outward with each step). This allows for a more efficient gait that reduces fatigue and enhances energy. As a result, you'll find it easier to go the distance on longer runs.

  • Alleviate fatigue: By enhancing shock absorption, arch support reduces the impact on joints like your knees and ankles as you run. This improves comfort and reduces aches and pains.

  • Injury prevention: The added stability of proper arch support can also prevent overpronation and supination and common running injuries, like plantar fasciitis, shin splints, and achilles tendonitis.

  • Comfortable fit: Finally, arch support helps to enhance weight distribution across the foot. By ensuring pressure is even across the sole, this helps to reduce the risk of uncomfortable issues like blisters and hotspots.

All of this adds up to a safer, more comfortable running experience.

Your foot health impacts other parts of your body as well. For example, proper arch support can help reduce the risk of sciatica—an umbrella term for nerve pain that radiates from the lower back down through the leg, often on one side only. Arch support running shoes can also combat hip pain, another common complaint among runners.

How do Fulton insoles work?

Fulton insoles are designed to be worn daily for the ultimate comfort. With Fulton insoles, you don’t need to know your arch type, as the cork molds to your foot after about 10 hours (or 30 miles) of wear. Fulton insoles provide the following benefits:

  • Arch support: Arch support stabilizes the foot and prevents it from rolling outwards, reducing the risk of developing overpronation. Fulton insoles also help align the entire body with each step.

  • Customized mold: Fulton insoles mold to your unique arch, providing additional support and evenly distributing pressure. The customized nature of the insoles helps ensure that your foot does not supinate.

  • Deep heel cup: The deep heel cup in Fulton insoles helps stabilize the heel and prevent any rolling inwards or outwards of the foot or ankle. This eases pain and prevents injury and supination

Cushioning foam: Fulton insoles have a layer of natural latex foam that provides cushioning to the foot, which can help alleviate pain and discomfort after long periods of walking or standing.

Trust Fulton insoles for foot health

Knowing which type of insole to get for your arch type can be overwhelming. Fulton's cork insoles make it easy. You don't even need to know your arch type, because the cork material molds to your foot as you wear it. After a few wears, you'll have your perfectly personalized insole for your required arch support. Learn how Fulton insoles adapt to each type of arch.

Cork insoles have other benefits as well. As a material, cork is excellent at absorbing shock. Cork is also durable and sustainable. Plus, it has antimicrobial properties, which can help reduce stinky feet—something every runner wants to leave in the dust.

Shop Fulton insoles for athletes now.

About The Author

Libie Motchan is the co-founder of Fulton, dedicated to creating shoe insoles that enhance comfort and foot health. Since launching the company in 2021, she’s focused on transforming the way people walk and move every day.